Corporate Runs in Germany 2023

There are company runs in almost every city. Both small towns and large metropolises organise different running competitions. There are also many company runs in 2023. In our running calendar you will find a detailed overview of all company runs in 2023.

Company runs in Germany 2023

Would you like to take part in a company run with your company? Then spized is the right place for you. In the list below, we show you where you can start with your team. Whether it's a company run in Bonn, Berlin or Munich, you're guaranteed to find a company run near you. We are constantly optimising and updating the list.

Company runs in March 2023

25.03.2023EssingenEssinger Panoramalauf
26.03.2023HannoverADAC Marathon Hannover
26.03.2023FreiburgMein Freiburg Marathon

Company runs in April 2023

23.04.2023BonnDeutsche Post Marathon Bonn
23.04.2023HamburgHaspa Marathon Hamburg
23.04.2023WürzburgWVV Marathon Würzburg
27.04.2023AachenB2Run Aachen
27.04.2023KlagenfurtX-Trail Businessrun Klagenfurt

Company runs in may 2023

01.05.2023EssenHerz-Kreislauf Essen
04.05.2023UnnaAOK-Firmenlauf Unna
04.05.2023KölnFirmenlauf Köln
05.05.2023CochemSparkasse-Firmenlauf Cochem
05.05.2023MühlhausenMühlhäuser Röblinglauf
06.05.2023BruchsalBruchsaler Hoffnungslauf
06.05.2023VogelsbergVogelsberger Vulkan-Trail
07.05.2023FreitalLauf in den Frühling Freital
07.05.2023KarlsruheBadische Meile
07.05.2023CuxhavenCuxhaven Stadtsparkasse Marathon
09.05.2023BremenB2Run Bremen
10.05.2023GießenGießener Feig Firmenlauf
11.05.2023HomburgFirmenlauf Homburg
12.05.2023Bad SalzuflenAOK Firmenlauf Lippe
13.05.2023SchwerinSchweriner Nachtlauf
13.05.2023SykeSyker Hachelauf
14.05.2023DuisburgBig City Trail Duisburg
16.05.2023BerlinIKK BB Berlin Firmenlauf
16.05.2023DortmundB2Run Dortmund
16.05.2023PforzheimAOK Firmenlauf Pforzheim
17.05.2023LandauFirmenlauf Südpfalz
17.05.2023EibelstadtKrick Firmenlauf
17.05.2023TrierBitburger Firmenlauf 
23.05.2023DüsseldorfB2Run Düsseldorf
23.05.2023PotsdamAOK Firmenlauf Potsdam
24.05.2023JenaJenaer Firmenlauf
24.05.2023DarmstadtDarmstädter-Merck Firmenlauf
24.05.2023KielBusiness Run Kiel
24.05.2023Neu-UlmAOK Firmenlauf Neu-Ulm
24.05.2023StendalFirmenlauf Altmark
25.05.2023LandshutLandshuter Firmenlauf
25.05.2023AugsburgM-net Firmenlauf Augsburg
25.05.2023KaiserslauternB2Run Kaiserslautern
25.05.2023Bad KreuznachDM Firmenlauf Bad Kreuznach
31.05.2023DessauFirmenlauf Anhalt
31.05.2023AueFirmenlauf Erzgebirge
Are you looking for the right company outfit for this year's company run? Then spized is the right place for you. In our 3D configurator, our customers can easily design their own running shirt and benefit from our volume discounts and many other advantages.

Company runs in June 2023

01.06.2023StuttgartB2Run Stuttgart
01.06.2023Oer-ErkenschwickAOK Firmenlauf
03.06.2023HamburgHafenCity Run
03.06.2023HusumLauf zwischen den Meeren
03.06.2023EmdenEmder Matjeslauf
03.06.2023NienburgNienburger Spargellauf
04.06.2023KielKrooger Waldlauf
06.06.2023DresdenREWE Team Challenge Dresden
07.06.2023ErfurtThüringer Unternehmenslauf
07.06.2023HerfordAOK Firmenlauf Herford
07.06.2023HalleHallescher Firmenlauf
09.06.2023EmbsenLüneburger Firmenlauf
13.06.2023HockenheimBASF Firmencup
14.06.2023FrankfurtJ.P Morgan Corporate Challenge
14.06.2023SiegenSiegerländer AOK-Firmenlauf
14.06.2023SoestSparkassen Firmenlauf Soest
14.06.2023WiedenbrückAOK Firmenlauf Wiedenbrück
15.06.2023KarlsruheB2Run Karlsruhe
15.06.2023BochumAOK Firmenlauf Bochum
15.06.2023HerneSt. Elisabeth Firmenlauf
16.06.2023SaarbrückenDM Firmenlauf Saarbrücken
16.06.2023LüdenscheidAOK Firmenlauf
17.06.2023WangenWangener Altstadtlauf
20.06.2022EssenE.ON Firmenlauf Essen
21.06.2023RostockRostocker Firmenlauf
22.06.2023MannheimBAUHAUS Firmenlauf Mannheim
22.06.2023ReutlingenAOK Firmenlauf Reutlingen
22.06.2023FreiburgB2Run Freiburg
25.06.2023TrierTrierer Stadtlauf
27.06.2023HannoverB2Run Hannover
28.06.2023StuttgartAOK Firmenlauf Stuttgart
28.06.2023LeipzigSchnelleStelle Firmenlauf Leipzig
28.06.2023BautzenAOK Firmenlauf Bautzen
28.06.2023WernigerodeHarzer Firmenlauf
28.06.2023GeretsriedAlpenland Firmenlauf 
29.06.2023IngolstadtFirmenlauf Ingolstadt
29.06.2023WürzburgWUE2RUN Firmenlauf Würzburg
30.06.2023KoblenzB2Run Koblenz
30.06.2023AhnatalDAK Firmenlauf Nordhessen

Company runs in July 2023

01.07.2023BremenBremer Brückenlauf
02.07.2023FrankfurtIRONMAN NightRun
04.07.2023Naumburg (Saale)Firmenlauf Burgenlandkreis
04.07.2023BremenBMW Firmenlauf 
06.07.2023DachauVR-Firmen- und Behördenlauf
06.07.2023MagdeburgFirmenstaffel Sachsen-Anhalt
06.07.2023SinsheimFirmenlauf Sinsheim
11.07.2023MünchenB2Run München
12.07.2023FriedrichshafenFirmenlauf Friedrichshafen
12.07.2023IgersheimIgersheimer Firmenlauf
13.07.2023GöttingenGöttinger Altstadtlauf
14.07.2023LahrZalando Firmenlauf Lahr
19.07.2023Villingen-SchwenningenFirmenlauf V-S
20.07.2023DillingenB2Run Dillingen
23.07.2023MünchenBavarian Run
25.07.2023NürnbergB2Run Nürnberg
27.07.2023HeilbronnStimme Firmenlauf

Company runs in August 2023

16.08.2023MühlheimMühlheimer Firmenlauf
22.08.2023GelsenkirchenB2Run Gelsenkirchen
23.08.2023BraunschweigFirmenlauf Braunschweig
23.08.2023BielefeldAOK Firmenlauf Bielefeld
23.08/24.08.2023HamburgMOPO Team-Staffellauf 
24.08.2023BonnFirmenlauf Bonn
26.08.2023HildesheimHildesheimer Firmenlauf
27.08.2023FreitalCrossdeluxe Freital
30.08.2023KrefeldRun & Fun Krefelder Firmenlauf
30.08.2023MeschedeSparkassen Firmenlauf HSK
31.08.2023HammAOK-Firmenlauf Hamm

Company runs in September 2023

01.09.2023SimmerathNordeifler Businessrun
01.09.2023LehrteLehrter Citylauf
02.09.2023RheineAOK Firmenlauf Rheine
03.09.2023SolingenMiss-Zöpfchen-Lauf Solingen 
03.09.2023HamburgBarmer Alsterlauf
03.09.2023FlensburgFlensburg Marathon
06.09.2023NeussFirmenlauf Neuss
06.09.2023ChemnitzschnelleStelle Firmenlauf
07.09.2023HamburgB2Run Hamburg
07.09.2023WienWien Energie Businessrun
09.09.2023BerlinVOLVO Tierparklauf
09.09.2023HöxterAOK Firmenlauf Höxter
13.09.2023FürthFinish Line Fürth
14.09.2023Mainzrocon Firmenlauf Mainz
14.09.2023KölnB2Run Köln
15.09.2023NeumünsterKowsky Lauf Neumünster
16.09.2023HeppenheimAltstadtlauf Heppenheim
17.09.2023DessauDessauer CityRun
18.09.2023MönchengladbachRun&Fun Firmenlauf
21.09.2023BerlinB2Run Berlin
22.09.2023AachenAachener Firmenlauf
27.09.2023LudwigsburgAOK Firmenlauf Ludwigsburg
28.09.2023BalingenAOK Firmenlauf Balingen

Company runs in October 2023


Company Runs 2023 in your individual jersey

To look like a real team at your company run in 2023, you need individual jerseys. At spized, you can design your own running shirts. Our configurator will help you design your running jersey. With customised jerseys, you will be recognisable as a team and the company you present will stand out in a positive way. Design your own jersey for the company run now.

Company runs - teambuilding with a difference

Corporate runs are a growing trend in team building. They offer the opportunity to build both physical and mental strength. In addition, the training, as well as the event itself, offers the opportunity to spend time as a team and strengthen team spirit. Participating in a company run together not only promotes physical fitness, but also communication, cooperation and motivation within the team. 2023 offers a variety of company runs that are suitable for every company. No matter if it should be a long or a short run or if they participate with a small team or the whole company - in our calendar you will definitely find the right company run.

Company Runs 2023 - Health & Fun in the Team

In general, company runs are characterised by a strong focus on health and community. By participating in a company run, employees not only promote their physical fitness, but also their mental health. Regular exercise reduces stress, which leads to higher productivity and motivation.
Another important aspect of company runs is the strengthening of team spirit. By working together towards a goal, the understanding and cooperation within the team is strengthened. All this leads to better communication and a better working atmosphere.

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