Tactics and playing systems: Explanations of football line-ups and formations

In football, there are different formations. Some teams play defensive football and others play offensive football. In this article, you will learn what the familiar numbers (4-3-3, 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1) mean in the formation. In addition, we explain football set-ups and playing systems and list all the advantages and disadvantages of popular basic orders and formations.

What the numbers in soccer lineups mean

The lineups in soccer are always indicated with numbers. As a rule, they are three numbers that indicate the number of each team part. For example, the 4-3-3 gives information about the following team parts:

  • First number: defense - in this case a four-man chain with two inside and two outside defenders.
  • Second number: midfield - in 4-3-3 the team operates with three central midfielders.
  • Third number: attackers - in the 4-3-3, the team usually operates with offensive wingers and a central striker.

By the way, as the above example shows, the goalkeeper is not mentioned in the soccer lineup.

Provided that the midfielders have a clear offensive or defensive division in the formation, four numbers are used. Accordingly, the 4-2-3-1 describes the following team parts:

  • First number: defense - as in the 4-3-3, at this point is defended with a four-man chain.
  • Second number: midfield defensive - the team operates with two central defensive midfielders (so-called sixes) in front of the defense.
  • Third number: midfield offensive - the team operates with a central offensive player (also called a ten) and two offensive wingers.
  • Fourth number: attacker - the team plays with a central striker (nine).

In some soccer setups, it is not possible to tell from the numbers how many defensive and offensive midfielders are lined up. The basic order of the 4-4-2 can be "flat" or "diamond". 

The 4-4-2 flat:

First figure: defense - four-man back line with two inside and two outside defenders.

Second number: midfield - practically a second four-man midfield with two outfielders and two central midfielders.

Third figure: attackers - two central strikers.

The 4-4-2 as a rhombus:

First figure: defense - four-man back line with two inside and two outside defenders.

Second figure: midfield - a six, two outfielders and a ten.

Third figure: attackers - two central strikers.

What are soccer lineups and game systems?

The system of play and the lineup in soccer are often considered synonyms by many fans and the media. However, the lineup in soccer only defines the basic order of the players on the field. A soccer team consists of 10 field players and a goalkeeper. Basically, the formation (e.g. 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3) describes the basic order against the ball. Especially in professional soccer, the described basic order changes in possession phases. For example, when playing on the opponent's goal, a 4-2-3-1 often becomes a 4-1-4-1, or a 5-3-2 often becomes a 3-4-3. The basic defensive order can also change for professionals during the course of the game. For example, a 4-4-2 can be quickly changed to a 4-5-1 by substitution or conversion in order to strengthen the midfield nominally.

Playing systems in soccer are influenced by the lineup, but do not necessarily provide information about the game idea and tactics. To put it simply, every formation in soccer can be implemented tactically and systematically both very offensively and very defensively. The 3-4-3 sounds like a very offensive variant, but in theory it also allows for a defensive or destructive game idea. Conversely, the 5-3-2 or 4-5-1 looks like a defensive bulwark based on the formation. However, the game idea or tactics can be interpreted just as offensively on the pitch.

The history of soccer game systems

A system of play assigns individual players in a team their position, playing space and tasks. In the following section, we will show you historical soccer game systems that beautifully illustrate how soccer has evolved over 100 years.

1-2-7: The game system until the year 1866

Until 1866, no forward passes were allowed in soccer. Passes could only be made to the side or back. Accordingly, players moved in a line and performed a kind of attacking dribbling. Because virtually no defensive work was required, one defender and two midfielders sufficed.

2-3-5: The "Scottish Furrow" as of the year 1880

In 1866, forward passes were allowed as long as there were three defenders between the attacker and the goal. Because this increased the pressure on defenders, the Scots developed a more defensive 2-3-5 system of play.

3-2-2-3: The "WM" playing system from 1925

In 1925, the offside rule was changed to encourage more offensive play. Offside now occurred if there were fewer than two defenders between the attacker and the goal. The resulting increased offense forced coaches to nominally reinforce the defense. In this system of play, the two letters "W" and "M" have nothing to do with the World Cup. If you look at the 3-2-2-3 on a tactics board, the offensive lines make a "W" and the defensive lines make an "M."

4-2-4: Brazil's World Cup victory in 1958

In the 1958 World Cup, Brazil played a 4-2-4 system to strengthen the defense and at the same time have enough offensive forces on the pitch. This gave the Brazilians the World Cup victory and thrilled soccer fans around the world.

1-4-3-2: The Italian Cartenaccio

Cartenaccio means "blocking chain" or "bar", with the libero acting as a "sweeper" in front of the goalkeeper to intercept opposing offensive players. This very defensive system of play forces the opponent to move up wide, creating plenty of space for quick counterattacks.
The illustrated soccer game systems from the past already clearly show that the number of offensive players decreased. From originally 7 attackers on the field, to two forwards in Italian Cartenaccio. This is largely due to rule changes such as the introduction or extension of the offside rule and back-passing rules. The rule changes basically benefited the offensive players, whereupon coaches had to change or strengthen the defense.
If we look at the modern playing systems already mentioned, this trend continues. Most professional teams operate with only one central striker. Even in a modern interpretation of a 4-3-3, there is usually only one central striker. The two wingers on the flanks are part of the offense, but must actively support the team in its defensive work. In addition, there are some coaches (e.g. Josep Guardiola or Luis Enriqué) who prefer to play without a central striker. The player up front acts more as an attacking midfielder at this point and is often referred to as the "false 9." In modern soccer, the continued strengthening of the defense is not due to rule changes, but rather to the greatly improved technical, physical and athletic training of players. Soccer has become much faster and more adept compared to the 1980s. As a result, the trend toward a nominally strong defense continues.

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What are the soccer setups? The advantages and disadvantages of the game systems

In modern soccer, there are many playing systems that are preferred and can be seen over and over again. In the section below we explain some soccer setups and present the advantages and disadvantages.

The playing system 4-3-3

The 4-3-3 dates back to the 1970s and is considered the "Dutch system of play". The 4-3-3 was developed by Rinus Michels, who worked as a coach at Ajax in Amsterdam in the early 1970s and established the soccer system internationally with the Dutch national team at the 1974 World Cup. To this day, the 4-3-3 is a basic formation in soccer in the Netherlands. Since the 2010s, this playing system has been seen more often internationally.

How does the 4-3-3 work?

The 4-3-3 is characterized, among other things, by the three central midfielders. The midfielders have to be very variable, both offensively and defensively. The six-man in the center often plays somewhat "tilted" in front of the defense in order to close the center or to protect the center backs from offensive actions of the opponent. If the center is closed, the other two midfielders can act more offensively. Furthermore, in the 4-3-3 there are two offensive wingers and a central striker.

Advantages of the 4-3-3 playing system

  • Very variable offensive and defensive play
  • The two wingers provide a lot of depth to get behind the defensive chain
  • The basic formation allows for wide or vertical play forward

Disadvantages of the 4-3-3 playing system

  • If you have only three midfielders, you inevitably leave half-space open in midfield.
  • When the central six leaves the center, the space in front of the defense is often open.

The soccer formation 4-2-3-1

The 4-2-3-1 is characterized by the two central defensive midfielders in front of the defense, also known as the sixes or double sixes. In addition, the 4-2-3-1 operates with two wingers, a ten-man and a central striker. The 4-2-3-1 became popular in the early 2000s and was until the late 2010s, one of the dominant playing systems in world soccer. Germany in particular plays a lot in the 4-2-3-1.

How does the 4-2-3-1 work?

Because the 4-2-3-1 is played with two sixes, the buildup of play is much more variable for the back line. The back four can also play the outer midfielders in the half positions. This results in plenty of steep-clap variants and play via the third. In addition, the height of the outside defenders is very variable. The attacking midfield line must not only play an active role in the build-up to the game, but also provide a scoring threat in the opponent's penalty area. Thus, the positional play is not fixed, neither in the center nor on the wing position.

Advantages of the 4-2-3-1 game system

  • High flexibility in the game structure.
  • Moments of surprise due to an offensively acting Six.
  • Steep clap variations and play over third are easy to incorporate.
  • Two sixes close the center in front of the defense.

Disadvantages of the 4-2-3-1 playing system

  • Tens, forwards and sixes do a lot of running against the ball.
  • If the two sixes are on the same line during the build-up of play, there is a lack of face-off stations in midfield.

The soccer formation 4-4-2 simply explained

The 4-4-2 flat is one of the classics and was particularly popular in the 1980s and 1990s. After the 1990s, other formations in soccer gained in importance. It took a few years before the 4-4-2 flat was seen more often again.

How does the 4-4-2 work? 

The 4-4-2 consists of four defenders, four midfielders and two strikers. In the basic order against the ball, two chains of four are practically formed, which should make it difficult for the opponent to play into open spaces or behind the defensive chain. Two dense four-man chains, which shift practically simultaneously, give the opponent hardly any opportunities to gain space. The two strikers run into the opponents who are building up play in order to provoke a pass to the outer lane. The striker far from the ball then closes the center to the six-man near the ball to prevent an easy pass into midfield.

Advantages of the 4-4-2 playing system

  • Two tight four-man back lines make it difficult to create scoring chances.
  • The 4-4-2 is comparatively easy to implement.
  • When winning the ball, a successful counterattack game is very good to practice.

Disadvantages of the 4-4-2 playing system

  • If the distances between the two four-man chains are not right, spaces are created between the chains that can be played. Often, the offensive player can turn up and run unchallenged a few meters towards the defensive chain
  • The 4-4-2 does not open up any particularly creative options in the build-up to the game and is therefore predictable.

The 3-4-3 simply explained

The 3-4-3 has been seen more often, especially since the 2010s. Although the formation reads very offensive, it can also be implemented very defensively in the game idea. In the Bundesliga, the 3-4-3 soccer system was most recently used frequently by coach Lucien Favre during his tenure at Borussia Dortmund.

How does the 3-4-3 game system work?

In a 3-4-3, there are three center backs instead of two. The midfield usually consists of two central midfielders and two wingers. The attack presents itself with two wingers and a central striker. Against the ball, the team often switches to a 5-3-2, with the two outside midfielders dropping into the defensive back three.

Advantages 3-4-3 game system

  • The three center backs set up play on a line, allowing the outside backs to stand taller.
  • High-standing wingers allow the wingers to move in. They are then available as a starting station and provide superior numbers in the center against the opposing defensive line. 

Disadvantages 3-4-3 game system

  • A high three-man chain is quickly overplayed when the ball is lost. This makes the 3-4-3 very susceptible to counterattacks.

Find the right game system for your team

Many coaches face the challenge of finding the right playing system in soccer for their own team. The fact is: there is no such thing as a system of play that exclusively gives a team advantages. Successful coaches do not cling to a certain basic order, but rather design the game idea flexibly and adapt it to the strengths and weaknesses of the team. Practical example: If you have physically strong but only very slow central defenders at your disposal, you should not stand tall permanently with the team and force a general attacking pressing. The reason for this is that center backs with a moderate attack are quickly outplayed with long balls. In modern soccer, trainers should not only focus on the formation. Ultimately, it is "only" about a basic order against the ball. The game idea in soccer can look completely different with an identical formation.
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