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How Many Sponsors Are Allowed on a Handball Jersey?

You have advertising partners lined up for your handball club and want to know how many sponsors can be featured on a handball jersey? This article provides you with more information on this topic.

Jersey Advertising in Handball

Jersey advertising is generally permitted in handball. The DHB (German Handball Federation) sets the guidelines with its advertising regulations (WRL). According to these regulations, advertising for companies or company products can be done in the following areas:

  1. On team clothing. 
  2. On the referees' clothing. 
  3. On the clothing of the officials, auxiliary staff, and photographers' marking vests. 
  4. On the playing equipment. 
  5. On the playing field. 
  6. With announcements in the sports hall.

Unlike in soccer, the size of the advertising space is not limited. The sponsor logo must not impair the visibility of the front and back numbers. In handball, players and team officials can feature a total of eight sponsors on their playing and training clothing.

General Rules for Advertising on Handball Jerseys

For the advertising space on handball jerseys, the DHB has established principles that must be strictly followed:

  • The advertising must not violate general principles of ethics and morals in sports. 
  • Advertising for political and religious groups, as well as political and religious statements, is not allowed. 
  • Advertising for tobacco products, their manufacturers, and dealers is also prohibited. 
  • For children's and youth teams, advertising for alcoholic beverages is not permitted.

Furthermore, contracts between the advertiser (team or club) and the sponsor must not contain any agreement or arrangement that restricts the advertiser's freedom of decision. Additionally, wearing the advertising should not result in personal benefits for individual persons (players, referees, or officials). 

You want to see if the sponsor logos look good on your desired handball jersey? At spized, you can design your own handball jersey, so that not only your jersey but also your advertising partners are optimally represented.

Definitions: What Does "Advertising" Include in Handball?

To avoid misunderstandings between clubs and associations with a total of eight potential advertising partners, the DHB has precisely defined the terms related to advertising. The following explanations are taken from the advertising guidelines:

1) The club emblem is a sign that may only be used by the club and identifies it. 
2) A so-called notice is an informational inscription and can include the following: 
  • the player's name, 
  • the club's name, 
  • and the name of the club's hometown. 

3) A logo is a trademark that can be: 
  • a pictorial mark, 
  • a word mark, 
  • or a combined pictorial-word mark. 

4) A manufacturer’s logo is a logo associated with the manufacturer of the jersey or clothing. This must not be larger than 15 cm x 2 cm. Any larger manufacturer logo is considered an advertising logo.

By the way, details of inadmissible and permissible advertising on the handball jersey can vary within the regional handball associations. Ideally, you should always check with your relevant association in the respective statutes and regulations.

Jersey Sponsorship in Amateur Handball: How It Works!

Most amateur clubs are desperately looking for sponsors. What can an optimal sponsorship strategy look like for small or medium-sized clubs? How do you attract attractive sponsors? And what should be considered in jersey printing to best represent sponsor logos? Our article "Jersey Sponsorship – How It Works" provides you with insights into the crucial questions. Feel free to check out the article and showcase your potential sponsor logos on the handball jersey in the best possible way!